This Site

This site was built using the Hugo framework for static websites as a place for me to store information about the projects I’ve been working on and the places I’ve been.

I started with the Noteworthy theme, but I’ve made some modifications to make this less of a blog and more of a portfolio.

Main Page

This page is a modified version of the list page that comes with the theme. I wanted to be able to show off a few of my more recent projects without including the entire projects page as the home page.


This is where I made the most significant modification to the theme (and sort of hijacked Hugo’s blog post concept). Instead of simply displaying my past and current positions as posts in a list, I chose to implement a custom list format to show them as a timeline of where I’ve been.

<ul class="timeline">
  {{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "timeline" }}
  {{ range $pages }}
  <li class="timeline-inverted">
  <div class="timeline-image">
    <img class="rounded-circle img-fluid" src="{{ with .Params.image }}{{ . }}{{ end }}" alt="">
  <div class="timeline-panel">
    <div class="timeline-heading">
          {{ .Title }}
      <time>{{ .Date.Format "January 2006" }} | {{ .Params.position }}</time>
  {{ end }}